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: 07513 173762


The Parish Council in Scorton is made up of 7 elected members and a clerk. The Councillors are elected every 4 years and anyone who lives or works in the Parish is generally eligible.  There are currently vacancies for two councillors to be co-opted, please contact the Clerk for more details. The next election is due in May 2027.

Meetings are held every month (usually the last Wednesday in the month) in the Scorton War Memorial Institute and all are welcome.

Parish Councils have been in existence for over 100 years and are the closest tier of local government to the people. Scorton Parish Council aims to represent Scorton at both local and national level.

The main responsibilities of the Parish Council are:

  • Owning (on your behalf) and maintaining public spaces & buildings (The Green, Bridge Green, Jubilee Green, Mollie Cail Park, Typhoon Park, Spitfire Park, Cemetery & the Bus Shelter) 
  • Providing a voice for the village in matters such as planning, highways, quarry, etc.
  • Developing new initiatives, recent ones include new conservation style street lamps, free community broadband, footbridge, seating, and updating the play facilities plus many more …
  • Generally ensuring Scorton is a great place to live.

Parish Councillors:


Councillor David Rafelt (Chairman)

Councillor Ian Threlfall (Vice Chairman & Parish Council Representative for Scorton War Memorial Institute)
Councillor Jenny Harper (Parish Council Representative for Tarmac liaison meetings)
Councillor Martyn Calvert
Councillor Helen Richardson


Mrs Vicki Raven
Ash House
North Yorkshire
DL10 6DN

E-mail:  Phone: 07513 173762

E-mail contacts:

County Councillor: Carl Les (

Highways: 0300 1235000

NHS: 111

Local Dog Warden: 01748 829100

Action Fraud: 0300 1232040